Girlfriend could SO take honey badger in a fight. |
Remember our book from last December,
Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas? (Remember when we got to skype with her last April?!) Well, the sequel to
Throne of Glass, which is called
Crown of Midnight, is out
August 27th, aka ONE WEEK FROM TODAY. Srrsly, just one more week! Are you excited yet?
But it gets better: if you're like me and you JUST CAN'T WAIT, I found a
ton of online prequels and previews for Crown of Midnight that you can read RIGHT NOW
FOR FREE!! Keep reading - I'll get you hooked up with all the goodies (there are a lot!).

Sarah Maas has written
two prequel short stories, which you can read online NOW! These are "bridge" stories, meaning they take place after
Throne of Glass and before
Crown of Midnight.
The first is titled
"The Assassin and the Princess", and it's been posted in little pieces on different book blogs, a.k.a. a blog tour. You can read each part by clicking on the links below:
Part 1 Part 7
Part 2 Part 8
Part 3 Part 9
Part 4 Part 10
Part 5 Part 11
Part 6 Part 12
But that's not all! Sarah's got
another short story for us:
"The Assassin and the Captain". This one isn't exactly a "bridge" story; instead, it takes place
right at the beginning of
Crown of Midnight, though it's not included in the book, making it more of a spoiler-free
deleted scene! You can read this scene in pieces across several book blogs, or just use the links below:
Part 1 Part 3
Part 2 Part 4
Be sure to snoop around these blogs once you finish reading the short stories
you might find a review for a new book to read!
Bloomsbury, the publisher for
Crown of Midnight, has created an AWESOME
Throne of Glass story generator which lets you
become a character in the series! There are four scenes (three from
Throne of Glass, one from
Crown of Midnight); choose one, then answer the fill-in-the-blank questions the site asks you, and shaZAM! you're a character in the scene! In a way, it's like fantasy-assassin-themed Mad Libs. You can try filling in the blanks in a serious, fantasy-story-appropriate way; I had fun putting in really stupid answers (name: Millicent Snarkface de Whifflington).
Have fun playing around with it! Click on the examples below for ideas, and be sure to share the answers you put in the story in the comments. You can even share your entire story with us: once your generated your story, click the "permanent link" button, then copy and paste the link into the comment section below!
Fill in the blanks; try to make your
answers super awesome, like mine |
Share on facebook or tumblr, or save as a pdf FOREVAR |
Generate your story |
If you've clicked on the link for the story generator above, you may have noticed that there's also an EXCERPT FROM THE NEW BOOK on that same website! You'll have access to the link for the excerpt only after you've used the story generator, but if you just can't wait, click here to read the excerpt from Crown of Midnight!
* * *
Hhhhhhawesommme. What did you think of the short stories and excerpt? Are you as excited as I am about this book?!! Don't forget to share your thoughts (and your answers/results from the story generator) in the comment section!
Oh here, have a book trailer.