Thursday, April 4, 2013

Reading, Reviewing, Arithmati -- jk, it's a quiz!

Listen to Bill.  Bill is wise.
In case you missed it, we're skyping with author Sarah J. Maas tonight!  She's the author of Throne of Glass, which was our book club pick back in December, and its sequel, Crown of Midnight, out August 27, 2013!

And I know - December is kinda a long time ago, especially with school and homework and everything you've read since FIVE MONTHS AGO OKAY CHILL.

F'reals - your Throne of Glass review starts here!  I know you want to look cool and totally in-the-know when we talk to her - duh, me too - so get reviewing by way of one of the your fav ways to waste time (hey, not judging) on the interwebs - a QUIZ!!!  Check out any of these three quizzes, then post your score in the comments section:

(on one of our favorite sites, Goodreads)
Quiz 2!                               Quiz 3!

Need to review a bit before you take these schwaiz quizzes?  Here are some sites that'll have you up-to-speed in no time:
Easy-peesy lemon-squeezey-mac-'n-cheesy-don't-be-queasy!  See you at the meeting!  Have your questions ready - see the previous post for some suggestions on this - and don't forget to be at SPL tonight, Thursday, April 4th at 6pm!!!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Skype with Sarah J. Maas TODAY!

Aaaiiii!! Sarah Maas - her face is full of secrets! Also some sweet shades.
Get ready, smithies - our skype-a-palooza with Sarah J. Maas is this Thursday!  Bring all your awesome questions to get some awesome answers.  Still unsure what to ask?  Keep reading for some ideas to get you started:

  • Ask questions about the book:  Think about the characters.  Are you still wondering why they acted the way they did? Were there other parts of the story that didn't make sense?  
  • Get crafty for some spoilers: Throne of Glass is the first book in a series, so the book leaves you hangingUGH.  You can ask sneaky questions to try to  get Sarah to give us some hints about the next book... Watch out, though - she looks seriously crafty in almost every picture I can find, so I don't think she'll slip up easily. You'll have to read the sequels to find out more!
  • Sarah's Throne of Glass inspiration: Did you know that Throne of Glass is based on the story of Cinderella?  F'reals.  Try asking about how this became her inspiration and how she came up with her spin on the story with Cinderella as an assassin!
  • Fantasy world creation and... stuff:  Since the world of Throne of Glass is entirely made-up, the author had to dream up, like, an ENTIRE WORLD for the book, with different countries, geography, languages, history, everything, with enough details to make it realistic.  Um... how?!  Where do you  start when making up a completely new world?  How did Sarah come up with the creepy supernatural mythologies in Throne of Glass? And how did she dream up names like "Eyllwe" and "Chaol"?!
  • Ask about being a writer: If you dream of being an author, now's your chance.  Why did she want to be an author? How does she get ideas - is there a certain place or activity that's especially inspiring?  Does she have a favorite method or place to work on writing?  
  • a gazillion other questions:  Feel free to ask something that isn't mentioned here!  Even random questions are okay:  What's her favorite ice cream?  What's Celaena's favorite ice cream?

That's it - get to brainstorming!  You can also read this interview Sarah did for more ideas.  If you still need a refresher on the book, see the last week's post for a review on Throne of Glass, read this blog post for a short summary or look here for detailed summary and character info; for some background on Sarah Maas, check out this post or her website.  And don't forget - the meeting is TODAY, Thursday, April 4th, 6pm @ SPL!!